Restorative Yoga with Massage A therapeutic and relaxing yoga practice accompanied by mini-massages of the head, neck, back, and limbs (based on Indian Head Massage techniques). Unwind, releasing stress and tension from body, mind and spirit while being supported by props, breath, and meditation practices. Essential oils used (nut-free carrier oils). LGBTQI positive space.
Time: Friday 6 p.m-7:15 p.m
Dates: July 11
Cost: $25
Location: The Centering Space, 59 Cambridge Ave. (Broadview & Danforth)
Queer & Trans Yoga Come and explore yoga in this comfortable community space. This is a mindful practice that focuses on our awareness and breath as we move through meditative, dynamic, and restorative postures. We will discover tools for self-care to carry with us always. Beginners and allies are welcome!
Time: Tuesdays 6 p.m - 7:15 p.m
Dates: July 8-29, 2014
Cost: $50
Location: The Centering Space, 59 Cambridge Avenue (Broadview & Danforth)
Hatha Flow Thursdays As we approach the end of the week let's explore a gentle flowing practice of movement, meditation, and restorative postures guided by our breath and mindfulness.
Time: Thursdays 6 p.m-7:15p.m
Dates: ongoing
Cost: see Ankh's website for class pass options
Location: Ankh Yoga, 2017 Danforth Ave (@ Woodbine & Danforth